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The Silver Sage is available for rentals year-round. Some rentals we have include; rodeos, 4H functions, horse shows, weddings, car and machinery shows, etc.

The Silver Sage has open riding when the facility is not booked. Riders can buy a membership which allows them unlimited riding or they can pay a drop in fee for each time they use the arena.


Please see the FORMS page and fill out the necessary form and bring it into the office.


Please review the Cancellation Policy prior to booking the Arena.

Yearly Ag Society Membership .................$10

Single Annual Riding Membership ..........$350**

Single 1/2 Year Riding Membership ........$250**

Family Annual Riding Membership .........$450**

Family 1/2 Year Riding Membership .......$325**

Youth Annual Riding Membership .........$130

Monthly Riding Pass...……………………….$130

Drop In Riding Fee ........... $25


Annual Memberships run from Oct 1st until Sept 30th.


**Annual & 6-month passes include Ag Society memberships (Individual 1 ag membership and Family 2 ag memberships)


1/2 year memberships expire 6 months from date of purchase.


Monthly pass expires 30 days from date of purchase.


If using the facility for instruction purposes the instructor and the student must both either have a valid membership or pay the $25 drop in fee. For more than 2 students in a lesson the instructor must book the arena.

Main Arena - $75/hr / $750/Day

Warm-up Arena - $45/hr / $400/Day

Both Arenas - $105/hr / $1050/Day

Outdoor Arena - $45/hr / $450/Day

** does not include tractor & driver


Please call for additional

Arena Rental Pricing or Event Pricing


Arena is to be cleaned up and left as found, including alley.  A clean up charge may 

otherwise apply.


Rentals over 6 hours are considered a day long rental and will pay the day rental rate.


All service providers such as Vets, Chiropractic Workers, Equine Massage Therapists, Farriers, etc. must either rent the arenahave a valid riding membership or pay the $25 drop in fee to be able to perform their services.  Each client must also have a membership or pay the $25 drop in fee for the use of the arena if it is not rented. 


Use of the arena for these purposes are not permitted to be done during events or rentals unless permission is obtained prior.


Indoor Stall..............................$125/month

Indoor Stall w/ Turnout Pen .....$175/month

Outdoor Pen ..........................$125/month

Second Horse in same pen.........$75/month

Boarding Deposit..................$125 at start

Refunded when horse leaves and area is clean



Nightly Pen Outdoor ..................$25/night

Nightly  Indoor Stall.........………..$50/night

Self Penning .........................$25/horse


Livestock pens are available for events and long term penning. Please call for more information.


Recommended Vaccinations for Horses Boarded at the Silver Sage:


Eastern/Western Sleeping Sickness


West Nile




4x4 Wall Signs

Wall Advertising sign/year NEW..............$1102.50

Advertising sign/3 years NEW.........$2178.75

Renew Advertising sign/year ..........$735

Renew Advertising Sign/3 years ....$1811.25

Including GST




Silver Sage Agricultural Society

Contact us:

office: (403) 362-2262

cell: 403-363-6108


Find us: 

144059 Silver Sage Road, Brooks AB T1R 1B9


Mailing Address:

Box 1092, Brooks AB T1R 1B9

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